As an avid home recorder. I love the convenience of amp sims but also love the final product and process of recording a real tube amp. And for this reason, I decided to make this comparison...
Category: Amps
Any guitar lover out there knows that valve/tube amps are made to be cranked. There is no greater feeling than getting that volume/gain knob all the way up (especially if it can go to...
Have you ever gazed at the eye-watering price of most premium tube/valve amps and thought, "Why are guitar tube amps so expensive?" In this post, I will deliver 5 compelling reasons why tube amps...
The foundation of any bass tone relies heavily on your choice of amplifier. And knowing this, players must decide between a reliable workhorse of a solid-state amplifier or the classic sound of...
Ever wondered what it would be like to play the guitar through a keyboard amp? Unconventional as it is what kind of tone would you get and is there any point in doing so? Luckily, I have done...
When it comes to tone, amplifier choice matters! When it comes to the famed electric guitar and acoustic guitar, you will need an amp specially catering to both contrasting...